Monday, 26 November 2012

Surviving Chilblains during the big winter chill.

The inevitable cold winter weather often causes dryness of the skin and chilblains. It is generally regarded that about 1 in 10 people in the United Kingdom will get chilblains at some stage in their life. The condition occurs during colder weather since blood vessels under the skin narrow when the skin becomes cold and therefore the blood supply to those areas becomes very slow. There is some leakage of fluid from the blood vessels into the tissue, when the skin reheats, which in turn causes areas of inflammation and swelling resulting in chilblains. 

These problems are difficult to completely prevent but there are certain measures which can be taken to limit their effects. These include:

* Make sure your hands, feet and ears are always warm when out in the cold weather by wearing gloves, socks and hats. There are a variety of specially heated gloves and socks on the market if you are particularly prone to chilblains.

* Always keep as warm and dry as possible when in the cold. By wearing several loose layers of clothing, your body heat is trapped.

*Regularly moisturise your face and hands with cream and lotions.

*Having been in the cold, slowly warm yourself up and avoid extreme changes in temperature. Do not heat up the skin too quickly by putting icy feet in hot water or using hot water bottles.

* People with poor circulation or on drugs that narrow blood vessels are often more likely to getting chilblains and therefore make sure you tell a medical professional if you become prone to chilblains following the introduction of any new conventional medication that may do this.

And, of course, if you have problems with Chilblains, find a Homeopathy near you (

This article was first published by the ARH in the December 2010 issue of the free newsletter, Homeopathy Healthy Medicine.

The ARH regularly publish these newsletters to provide information about homeopathy to the public. This information is not usually available through our mainstream media which refuses to publish anything about Homeopathy. ARH makes the newsletters available to everyone as free downloads (go to, and they can be used for information, marketing and publicity purposes.

Arnica. A homeopathic remedy no home should be without

Arnica montana is a perennial herb which belongs to the family compostitae. It can be found in many parts of the world, and favours mountain slopes, growing just below the snow level. Its flowers look a little bit like a yellow daisy, and they can grow to height of up to 30 centimetres (12 ins). The healing properties of this plant have been known for hundreds of years, earning it various nicknames such as ‘fall herb’, ‘bruise wort and ‘leapoard’s bane’. 

In Northern Europe, people living and working in mountainous areas recognized Arnica’s ability to soothe aching muscles, and used it in several different ways, such as chewing on the leaves, or making a compress to use externally, in order to relieve sprains and bruising. The homeopathic remedy is made from the whole plant when flowering, and includes the roots.

Arnica acts principally on soft tissue and surrounding blood vessels, helping to reduce bleeding and promote healing. It is the first remedy to think of using when someone has been involved in a fall or accident. It can help to minimize bruising, swelling and pain. 

Arnica can also be used after dental treatment, especially following a tooth extraction, when it will help to prevent excess bleeding, cut down on the risk of infection and speed up healing. 

It is also a very valuable remedy to use after childbirth, especially if tearing or bleeding has occurred during labour.

In farming, Arnica is routinely used by many farmers following a difficult calving / lambing in order to help with the pain, and also to reduce the risk of infection setting in, which might otherwise have to be treated with antibiotics.

Arnica is also a very good remedy to consider using following concussion, either recent or from the past, especially if the patient has ‘never been well’ since receiving a blow to the head. 

You can safely give Arnica for all accidents and injuries which involve falls, breaks, bruising, bleeding, shock and bruise-like pain. The 30C potency can be taken every half an hour for up to four doses, then reduce as symptoms improve. 

Arnica cream can be very soothing for aching muscles when applied topically, but should never be used on broken skin. 

Arnica is a wonderfully versatile remedy which no household should be without. It can safely be used by everyone.

All Homeopathic remedies are sold in homeopathic pharmacies, most health food shops and in some chemists. They are readily available in the 6C or 30C potency.

This article was first published by the ARH in the December 2010 issue of the free newsletter, Homeopathy Healthy Medicine.

The ARH regularly publish these newsletters to provide information about homeopathy to the public. This information is not usually available through our mainstream media which refuses to publish anything about Homeopathy. ARH makes the newsletters available to everyone as free downloads (go to, and they can be used for information, marketing and publicity purposes.

Homeopathy and Depression

Don’t be depressed – homeopathy is here to help

In a recent blog, the topic of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) was tackled, where sufferers experience episodes of depression during the winter months. This blog concentrates on classical depression which apparently affects 4.5% of all European citizens.

It is the most common reason why employees take time of work and is believed to cost the European economy, annually, over 100 billion Euros. The World Health Organisation, (WHO), expects it to become the second most common form of ill-health by 2020. 

No wonder, then, that depression is one of the conditions most commonly treated by Homeopaths.
There are several clear differences between SAD and classical depression. SAD is usually experienced during autumn or early winter and often lifts in spring and, as you might expect, the sufferer’s mood is directly influenced by daylight hours. SAD sufferers also have a tendency to sleep and eat more resulting in an increase in weight.

There is, in contrast, no obvious seasonal pattern with classical depression, with sufferers experiencing their symptoms throughout the year, irrespective of daylight. The  victims of classical depression often have difficulty sleeping, and loss of appetite and, as a consequence, weight remains the same or decreases. By contrast, other sufferers can experience an increase in appetite which may result in severe weight gain.

A survey, conducted at a university hospital outpatient clinic, questioned 1,783 patients regarding their reasons for using homeopathy. Depression was the most frequently treated condition. A significant improvement in health was experienced, through homeopathic treatment, by 63.6% of the depressed patients, while between 40-60% of depressed patients, using conventional treatment, re- lapsed.

So if you suffer from depression, why not book a consultation with a Homeopath. Go to, and 'Find a Homeopath'.

This article was first published by the ARH in the December 2010 issue of the free newsletter, Homeopathy Healthy Medicine.

The ARH regularly publish these newsletters to provide information about homeopathy to the public. This information is not usually available through our mainstream media which refuses to publish anything about Homeopathy. ARH makes the newsletters available to everyone as free downloads (go to, and they can be used for information, marketing and publicity purposes.

Teething? Homeopathy can help.

How homeopathy can help with teething

There is nothing more exasperating and distressing, as any parent will know, than watching your young baby in pain because their teeth are beginning to grow through their gums. Parents feel helpless, the baby is helpless too, and because the baby is loved, everyone feels the pain.

Unfortunately, however, teething is a rite of passage and something we must all go through. Consequently find a solution to help ease this difficult time is a benefit for child and parent alike.

Homeopathy has a number of remedies which can relieve the symptoms of teething. Here are the two most common remedies used:

Chamomilla 30c this is the best option if your baby is crying hard, and is cross, stroppy and irritable, when nothing you do seems to help. Often, one cheek will be red whilst the other is pale in colour.

Pulsatilla 30c choose this remedy if your baby is crying but instead of being bad-tempered, they are pitiful, miserable and clingy and wants to be held and comforted all the time. In this situation, cool, fresh air often helps them.

These remedies are only a guideline and there are other options too, so please consult your own homeopath for a more individualised therapy for your child. 

To find your local practitioner, please visit our website;

This article was first published by the ARH in the December 2010 issue of the free newsletter, Homeopathy Healthy Medicine.

The ARH regularly publish these newsletters to provide information about homeopathy to the public. This information is not usually available through our mainstream media which refuses to publish anything about Homeopathy. ARH makes the newsletters available to everyone as free downloads (go to, and they can be used for information, marketing and publicity purposes.

Homeopathy and Allergy Sufferers

Study shows that homeopathy can help to cure allergy sufferers

It is suggested, following research carried out by the Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital, that homeopathy is ten times more likely to cure allergy sufferers than placebo – a statement which
seems obvious but yet is under constant scrutiny! 

The study which concluded this recruited fifty patients from general practitioners presenting with nasal allergies and the participants were given either a homeopathic remedy or a placebo. The sufferers measured their nasal air flow for thirty days and documented their symptoms, including anything from blocked, runny or itchy nose to sneezing and eye irritation. 

The results showed that patients receiving homeopathy produced a 28% improvement in nasal air flow compared with 3% among those in the placebo group. 

The investigation was, apparently, the fourth trial carried out by the Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital and, according to Dr David Reilly who led the study, all the tests reported similar results. 

There were also positive findings in 70% of a further 180 clinical trials which had been undertaken. 

The findings, published in the Daily Mail newspaper under the headline ‘Homeopathy Works!’ demonstrate that homeopathy is so much more than placebo. To read the full article go to

This article was first published by the ARH in the December 2010 issue of the free newsletter, Homeopathy Healthy Medicine.

The ARH regularly publish these newsletters to provide information about homeopathy to the public. This information is not usually available through our mainstream media which refuses to publish anything about Homeopathy. ARH makes the newsletters available to everyone as free downloads (go to, and they can be used for information, marketing and publicity purposes.

Christmas? Are you ready to party?

It is inevitable, with the festive season now upon us, that parties and social gatherings will occupy many evenings over the next few weeks. It is an opportunity for most of us to catch up with old friends and long-lost family, to meet new people or generally let our hair down with colleagues.

However, nervousness when faced with social situations can be accompanied by extreme fear and anxiety, resulting in sweating, blushing, tremors, diarrhoea or stomach upset. These feelings are, fortunately, extreme but the reality is that many people suffer from low self-esteem and often lack confidence when meeting strangers or worry how colleagues perceive them out of the work environment.

For such situations, homeopathy can help to relieve some of the anxiety and enable sufferers to relax. So, to deal with the anticipation of the party season, we have de- tailed some homeopathic remedies which may help to combat the stress. These include:

Aconite - you feel terror and fright, you ‘know’ the party is going to be a disaster, use this remedy before and after the event if you cannot shake off the nightmare feeling.

Arg Nit – feel anxious not terrified, you can’t face the situation and feel almost paralysed into inactivity 

Gelsemium – you experience anticipatory fears, muscles feel weak and tired and you get the shakes and trembles

Phosphorus – best if you are nervous and sensitive, you feel better in company, loud noises and shadows cause deep anxiety 

Rescue Remedy – use to calm and relax

Please note, these remedies are only suggestions so it is advisable to consult your own homeopath for a more individualised treatment, or to find a practitioner in your area, please visit our website

This article was first published by the ARH in the December 2010 issue of the free newsletter, Homeopathy Healthy Medicine.

The ARH regularly publish these newsletters to provide information about homeopathy to the public. This information is not usually available through our mainstream media which refuses to publish anything about Homeopathy. ARH makes the newsletters available to everyone as free downloads (go to, and they can be used for information, marketing and publicity purposes.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Feeling the winter blues? Homeopathy and SAD

It is not uncommon to feel rather sombre and despondent once most of the leaves have fallen, and the daylight hours have shortened, heralding the inevitable shift to winter. People often complain of the 'winter blues' when they feel less energised to carry out their daily tasks and have difficulty in getting up in the mornings!

The seasonal changes bring about more extreme symptoms for some individuals, preventing sufferers from functioning normally without some sort of medical treatment. In these cases episodes of depression are experienced during the winter months only lifting in spring – a condition which is known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (or SAD).

SAD affects half a million people in the UK each year and varies by latitude. Those living further from the equator are more susceptible to the disorder. This means that 10% of the population within Canada suffer from SAD while only 2% of those living in the state of Florida experience this condition. 

The length of seasonal depression is also dependent on latitude where there is a positive correlation between the length of the winter and the length of an episode of depression. In London, for example, the average length of an episode is 5.7 months. 

SAD symptoms vary greatly between individuals but they are generally centred on extreme lethargy, often with a constant desire to sleep, during both day and night. Sufferers tend to be less productive during the winter months with an increased appetite and consequent weight gain.

So what causes SAD? The research into the root of the condition has centred on the hormone melatonin which is produced in the pineal gland in the brain. It is thought melatonin induces sleep - its production and secretion into the bloodstream is closely related to light, with the hormone normally released at night as bright light suppresses it. 

It is, therefore, understandable that its release is increased in those who live further from the equator with shorter daylight hours and less natural light.

Homeopathy has been proven to be very successful at helping sufferers of Seasonal Affective Disorder and some of the more prominent remedies are listed below. Please note these remedies are only a guideline and for a more individualised therapy please consult your nearest homeopath ( then click on ‘Find a homeopath’).

Aurum metallicum – feeling of hopeless- ness, future looks dark, low spirits and lifelessness, lack of hope, feels no pleasure from social or emotional contact, weakness of memory, feeling that something has been neglected, everything seems to take ages to do, doesn’t feel like talking but if they do they grumble.

Chocolate – overcome with sleepiness, their sleep is very deep and there is difficulty in waking, feels open and vulnerable, increase in appetite, strong desire to eat something sweet, feels like they want to hibernate, feels anxious about health matters, concentration becomes difficult, sense of panic concerning their ability to cope, easily feels rejected, averse to company and feels like they don’t belong, depressed and humourless.

Diamond – feeling of despair, disconnection and negative state, reluctant to talk to others, feels they have nothing to offer the world, sense of detachment, isolation and darkness, confused when thinking, has a sense of failure, craves the sun, has a desire for sunlight, ex- ceptional tiredness, strong desire for chocolate.

Frankincense – feelings of dread of the darkness, a sense of being lost, they feel that they are at the end of their tether, low, irritable, sad and grumpy, everything’s a drag.

Platina – morose, sad, feels weary of everything, likes to be alone, low-spirited, feels they have been forgotten by friends and family which manifests in being snappy and sharp-tongued, has contempt for the world, feels ravenously hungry but has an aversion to food due to the depression, constantly tired and often yawns, finds it difficult to wake in the morning, muscles ache and they feel physically and emotionally numb especially at night, Feels better when the sun shines.

If you suffer from SAD, or the winter blues, and would like further advice please contact the Seasonal Affective Disorder Association at

This article was first published by the ARH in the November 2011 issue of the free newsletter, Homeopathy Healthy Medicine.

The ARH regularly publish these newsletters to provide information about homeopathy to the public. This information is not usually available through our mainstream media. ARH makes the newsletters available to everyone as free downloads (go to, and they can be used for information, marketing and publicity purposes.

Homeopathy successfully treats a case of acute Mastitis

Tiddles, my German Shepherd, gave birth to seven healthy pups without any problems,. Everything seemed fine. So, when on day five after whelping she was reluctant to come out for her ' comfort walk', and refused her food, I was worried.

I immediately rushed her off to the vet, who gave her a thorough examination, and suggested that maybe she was suffering from eclampsia, a condition which results from a shortage of calcium in the blood. Tiddles was certainly feeding her pups well, so I agreed that an injection of calcium was worth a try. 

However, by the next morning Tiddles was in a worse state. She was very reluctant to move, and I suspected that she was in pain. Before rushing off to the vet again I decided to check her over myself, and I then realised that one very full mammary gland on her right hand side was hot, swollen and hard. I immediately concluded that she had mastitis. 

There are a number of homeopathic remedies which can help to treat the symptoms of this unpleasant condition, but I decided to start by trying Apis Melifica, a remedy made from the venom of the honey bee. 

The prescribing symptoms I used to arrive at this remedy were heat, swelling, redness, hardening, and extreme sensitivity to touch (very similar to the symptoms you might experience if you're stung by a bee). 

I gave her one Apis 200. When I checked up on her just one hour later, she leapt out of her whelping bed, demanded that I took her on a walk immediately, and on our return, wolfed down the food I offered her. The swelling in her mammary gland had almost gone completely, it was normal blood temperature, and she was no longer touch sensitive. A little hardness still remained, but since Tiddles seemed to be back to normal, I just kept an eye on the situation, and did not need to prescribe her anything else. This experience just served to remind me that when the correct homeopathic remedy is prescribed, the results can be totally amazing!

The ARH would like to thank Karin Mont for sharing her experience with us. If you have an interesting story which you are happy to contribute, then we would love to hear from you. Please drop us a line by emailing

Do you have an interesting homeopathy story which you would like to share on Homeopathy Health Medicine - or indeed on Homeopathy Pure and Simple?

Homeopathy, Healthy Medicine aims to be a topical newsletter packed with articles that are relevant and helpful to you, as you go about your busy lives. First-hand accounts of how homeopathy has worked for individual people are always interesting and often showcase those less well known remedy options which are are also very productive in treating ailments and illnesses. We are always interested in hearing any stories which you would like to share with other readers, and therefore ask for anyone who would be happy to recount their tale, to contact us at Please do not feel obliged to produce a ‘professional essay’ - which would be more than welcome - a few lines detailing your story would suffice! In addition, if you have any specific comments, have seen an article which may be pertinent for HHM or just have some general feedback about the monthly newsletter, please email us at the same address and let us know. We look forward to hearing from you!

Prepare for the 'flu season

The winter approaches and temperatures lowering, with coughs and colds becoming prevalent within the workplace, schools and on commuter trains! We know that, at this time of year, many people considered ‘more susceptible’ to the ‘flu virus, such as older people, or those with an underlying medical condition, may be contacted by their GP to have a ‘flu vaccination. 

So, with this in mind, we’ve taken a look at the potential side-effects of the vaccination and how homeopathy can help fight ‘flu without the need to vaccinate, whilst building up the immune system to become more resilient for the future.

There has always been a strong case against the influenza vaccination, with new side-effects emerging each season. Indeed,. the evident dangers of the ‘flu vaccination led Australia and Finland into banning the immunization of children. There was, according to reports in Australia, an alarming increase in vomiting, fevers and seizures, caused by the vaccines, which led to the decision. 

Finland is now expressing concern that narcolepsy, (a nervous system disorder characterised by extreme fatigue and daytime sleepiness), is appearing in children immediately following the vaccination. The Finland National Institute for Health (THL) has, consequently, taken the step of suspending the inoculation whilst they investigate further.

In neighboring Sweden, similar investigations are taking place.

The potential adverse reactions for adults are no less severe. If, according to studies undertaken, an individual has five ‘flu shots, during a ten year span, their chances of getting Alzheimers disease would be ten times higher than if they had one, two or none. This is due to the mercury and aluminium content in every ‘flu shot, and most childhood shots. The gradual accumulation of these two elements, within the brain, causes cognitive dysfunction which can result in Alzheimers Disease.

Statistically you are more likely to avoid ‘flu if you took nothing at all! Reports suggest the ‘flu vaccination has a 93.75% failure rate! 

So is it any wonder that, with all this negativity, people look for alternative ways to combat the inevitable annual onslaught of ‘flu. 

You will see below some common homeopathic remedies which have been found to successfully and safely treated colds, coughs and 'flu, without side-effects.

Aconite 30 C – use at beginning of illness, often when the exposure to cold winds have resulted in a chill. Appropriate if you have a fever and are sweaty and thirsty

Arsenicum 30 C – the cold starts in the nose and you sneeze a lot. Sometimes it moves to the chest and you feel chilly and restless but enjoy sips of water 

Belladonna 30 C – you have a high fever, red face and feel like you’re burning up. You often have a throbbing headache but you don’t feel thirsty

Bryonia 30 C – you constantly feel thirsty, your throat burns and you hold your chest when you cough. Any movements are painful and you prefer to be left alone

Eupatorium 30 C – your bones feel very achy and you are thirsty and feel better for sweating although this does not help with the headache

Gelsemium 30 C – you constantly shake and shiver and your limbs feel heavy. You feel tired and weak and you may have a headache at the back of the head

Please note, these remedies are only suggestions. It is advisable to consult your own homeopath for more individualised treatment. 

To find your local practitioner, please visit our website;, then click on ‘Find a Homeopath’.


This article was first published by the ARH in the November 2011 issue of the free newsletter, Homeopathy Healthy Medicine.

The ARH regularly publish these newsletters to provide information about homeopathy to the public. This information is not usually available through our mainstream media. ARH makes the newsletters available to everyone as free downloads (go to, and they can be used for information, marketing and publicity purposes.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

How homeopathy could have helped cholera sufferers in Pakistan

The death toll resulting from the floods in Pakistan in 2010 reached over 1,600 and affected at least 20 million inhabitants. The national economy suffered severe losses since many standing crops and food storage facilities were destroyed. 

Shortly afterwards, the UN confirmed the first cholera cases, and subsequently the UN Office of Humanitarian Affairs is was assessing the risk of 'a second wave of deaths induced by the floods in the shape of waterborne diseases.’

It is reported that more than 36,000 people suffered from ‘acute watery diarrhoea’. A spokesman for the UN said:

'We're not suggesting that everyone who has acute watery diarrhea has cholera but cholera is certainly a concern and that's why we're stepping up our efforts to treat cholera.'

Historically, homeopathy’s success in treating cholera has been well-documented. For example, in 1854, during the outbreak of the disease in London, mortality rates for treating the epidemic with conventional treatment were 59.2% whereas under homeopathic care this figure dropped to just 9%.

At the same time, a well respected practitioner in Cincinnati, Joseph Pulte, was able to celebrate the fact that he did not lose a single patient to the cholera epidemic when it struck the city in 1849. 

Perhaps the UN office of Humanitarian Affairs should have considered the use of homeopathic treatment to help sufferers of this disastrous and often fatal disease in the flood-affected areas of Pakistan.

It is quite remarkable how the Conventional Medical Establishment can completely ignore what  Homeopathy can offer - even when it is known that it is better able to deal with the consequences of such natural disasters. - 14 Aug 2010

This article was first published by the ARH in the September 2010 issue of 'Homeopathy Healthy Medicine'

The ARH regularly publish these newsletters to provide information about homeopathy to the public that is not usually available through our mainstream media. ARH makes them available to everyone as free downloads (go, and they can be used for information, marketing and publicity purposes.

Your nearest homeopath?
Go to click ‘Find a Homeopath’ and search by town, county or postcode

The rise and rise of Homeopathy

Over the last 220 years, homeopathic users have grown in numbers substantially and homeopathy now represents the leading medical alternative to drug-based medicine in Europe, and in significant parts of Asia (especially India and Pakistan). Although many people use homeopathy alongside conventional, allopathic treatment, over 100 million people in India depend solely on this form of medical care.

With this in mind it is interesting to note that the American health care which has been so resistant to homeopathic and natural therapies in its mainstream institutions is presently ranked 37th in the world in the performance of its health care system. 

In comparison, the number one ranked country in the world is France, a country in which around 40 percent of the population uses homeopathic medicines and around 30 percent of its family physicians prescribe them.

Whilst we mere mortals have gradually become aware of the healing powers of homeopathy, many cultural icons of the past few centuries have long been advocates of this form of treatment. These include eleven U.S. Presidents, six popes, Charles Darwin, Mother Teresa and Mahatma Gandhi as well as monarchs from almost all European countries.

This article was first published by the ARH in the September 2010 issue of 'Homeopathy Healthy Medicine'

The ARH regularly publish these newsletters to provide information about homeopathy to the public that is not usually available through our mainstream media. ARH makes them available to everyone as free downloads (go, and they can be used for information, marketing and publicity purposes.

Your nearest homeopath?
Go to click ‘Find a Homeopath’ and search by town, county or postcode

Nobel Laureate backs major homeopathic principle

The French virologist, Luc Montagnier when speaking to 60 Nobel Prize winners and 700 scientists at the Lindau Nobel Laureate meeting, suggested that water could in fact preserve the ‘memory’ of a sub- stance with which it had made contact. 

Luc Montagnier was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2008 after his 1980’s research confirmed the link between HIV and AIDS. 

He told the conference participants that solutions containing the DNA of bacteria and viruses could emit low frequency radio waves to its surrounding water molecules. The water, surrounding the genetic material, would still retain the ’memory’ of the substance and emit those similar radio waves which could be used to detect disease, even when the DNA had been diluted and virtually removed.

The speech, which presented this medical advancement as a new method for detecting viral infections, has been seen as highly provocative by conventional medical professionals who viewed the investigation with great cynicism - due to its similarity with homeopathy. 

The disclosure of this research has, naturally, been welcomed by homeopathic practitioners as it validates one of the main principles of homeopathy – a substance taken in extremely small, diluted amounts will cure the same symptoms which it would cause if taken in large quantities.

This article was first published by the ARH in the September 2010 issue of 'Homeopathy Healthy Medicine'

The ARH regularly publish these newsletters to provide information about homeopathy to the public that is not usually available through our mainstream media. ARH makes them available to everyone as free downloads (go, and they can be used for information, marketing and publicity purposes.

Your nearest homeopath?
Go to click ‘Find a Homeopath’ and search by town, county or postcode

How homeopathy cured Nadia Sawalha’s Eczema

During an interview in the Daily Mail’s health section on 29 May 2010, Nadia Sawalha, the former Eastenders’ actress and TV presenter of City Hospital and Living in the Sun, revealed how she put her scepticism aside and turned to homeopathy after conventional medical treatment had failed to help a severe bout of eczema.

Nadia explained that, after the birth of her first child, bumps on her fingers began to appear. The constant itching she endured caused the wounds to split open and weep which in turn became infected. The itching was so bad, at one point, that her hands bled and by her daughter's first birthday she was unable to pick her up. In describing the situation, Nadia said:

'Whenever I could, I'd hold my hands above my head to relieve the pain. If I let them hang down, the pain was intolerable. It felt like lead flowing into my hands'.

Nadia sought medical advice and was prescribed antibiotics for the inflammation, which did help to alleviate the problem, but only temporarily. She was compelled to visit casualty because her hands had become badly re-infected but was told there was no cure for eczema and so nothing could be done apart from dressing her hands.

Following advice from her sister, Nadia decided to visit a homeopath. Although openly sceptical about how this could help, she was prescribed homeopathic Mezereum, made from a Eurasian shrub extract traditionally used to heal skin complaints. When describing the effect, she says it was:

'Biblical'! Over the next forty-eight hours I watched as my skin renewed itself. To this day, if I'm stressed or frightened about something, my little finger will occasionally itch, but no more than that'.

Due to the success of the homeopathic treatment she received Nadia now regularly visits a homeopath herself and takes her two children for consultations every few weeks. Neither of her children has ever needed to visit a GP, nor have they had any childhood vaccinations.

This article was first published by the ARH in the September 2010 issue of 'Homeopathy Healthy Medicine'

The ARH regularly publish these newsletters to provide information about homeopathy to the public that is not usually available through our mainstream media. ARH makes them available to everyone as free downloads (go, and they can be used for information, marketing and publicity purposes.

Your nearest homeopath?
Go to click ‘Find a Homeopath’ and search by town, county or postcode.

How Homeopathic remedies are made - and why they are so safe

Hahnemann first discovered the medicinal properties of many remedies by actually taking the crude substances himself, then observing and recording the symptoms he produced. He was concerned about the possible side effects caused by some of the more toxic substances he was using so started to experiment with diluting them to different scales. 

The problem he faced was that, if he diluted the medicines sufficiently to remove their unwanted effects, they also lost their potential to heal. He then realised that if he subjected each dilution to vigorous shaking it appeared to enhance the substance's curative action whilst at the same time reducing its side effects. He called the vigorous shaking ‘succussion' and the whole process of dilution and succussion he called 'potentisation'. 

Crucially, he also that observed the more he diluted and succussed a remedy the more it released its healing action.

Hahnemann used his extensive knowledge of chemistry to develop a measurement scale for remedies based upon the number of times a substance had been diluted and succussed - which he termed 'potency'. If you go to your local health shop or homeopathic pharmacy and look at some of the remedies they have for sale, they will all have a number on the label, followed by a letter (usually 'C'). The number tells you how many times the substance has been potentised and the letter tells you the ratio of dilutant to substance. The 'C' denotes the 'centesimal' potency which means the ratio is one part substance to ninety nine parts dilutant (one in a hundred). So, for example, a 6C remedy has been potentised six times whereas a 30C will have been potentised thirty times. The other letter, often used, is an 'X', which indicates the 'decimal' potency where the ratio is one part substance to nine parts dilutant (one in ten).

As a result, the procedure involved with making homeopathic remedies is very precise - and potentisation is a central element of that process. This whole process is what makes Homeopathy such a safe medical therapy.

This article was first published by the ARH in the September 2010 issue of 'Homeopathy Healthy Medicine'

The ARH regularly publish these newsletters to provide information about homeopathy to the public that is not usually available through our mainstream media. ARH makes them available to everyone as free downloads (go, and they can be used for information, marketing and publicity purposes.

Your nearest homeopath?
Go to click ‘Find a Homeopath’ and search by town, county or postcode

NHS will continue to fund Homeopathy

It has been by the Department of Health that homeopathy will remain open for patients on the NHS. This is despite a highly controversial report published in February 2010 by the Science and Technology Committee of the House of Commons (and signed by just 3 members), arguing that funding of homeopathy on the NHS was a waste of money and should therefore be stopped.

There are over 400 GP’s within the UK who practice homeopathy and treat around 200,000 patients per year. In total, the funding for homeopathy within the NHS is annually around £4 million out of a total NHS budget of £120 billion. There are just four NHS homeopathic hospitals offering some homeopathy provision, and they are based in London, Bristol, Glasgow and Manchester.

Anne Milton, then a health minister, said of the situation 

'we believe in patients being able to make informed choices about their treatment and in a clinician being able to prescribe the treatment they feel most appropriate in particular circumstances, which includes complementary or alternative treatments such as homeopathy'.

This decision has been welcomed by homeopathic practitioners and regular users of homeopathy. The sense of importance regarding this announcement was summed up by Dr Sara Eames, the President of the Faculty of Homeopathy, who said 

'As a doctor who practices homeopathy on the NHS, I know homeopathy is an important part of our health service helping tens of thousands of patients annually, a majority of whom have not been helped sufficiently with conventional treatments. I am pleased to see the government, contrary to the recommendations of the Science and Technology’s report, agrees that homeopathy has a place in the NHS and offers choice to both patients and local purchasers of healthcare.'

This article was first published by the ARH in the September 2010 issue of 'Homeopathy Healthy Medicine'
The ARH regularly publish these newsletters to provide information about homeopathy to the public that is not usually available through our mainstream media. ARH makes them available to everyone as free downloads (go, and they can be used for information, marketing and publicity purposes.

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Homeopathy can prevent Japanese Encephalitis

A new study reported in the American Journal of Infectious Diseases, suggests that Homeopathy can prevent Japanese Encephalitis (JE). 

The virus, which causes symptoms such as headaches, a sudden high fever, neck stiffness, seizures and disorientation, is transferred to humans from pigs and wading birds, as a result of a mosquito bite.
Researchers from the Kolkata’s School of Tropical Medicine and the Central Council for Research in Homeopathy infected chick embryos with the JE virus and, through the administration of the remedy Belladonna given in different potencies, the subsequent infection was prevented. 

At present, the infection affects around 50,000 people each year and kills 10,000 in South and South East Asia. Consequently, this recent study could literally help save thousands of lives in the affected areas. It may also be key to providing an essential alternative immunisation strategy to vaccination. An increasing number of individuals are concerned about the number of vaccinations they are usually prescribed, before visiting the continent.

This article was first published by the ARH in the September 2010 issue of 'Homeopathy Healthy Medicine'

The ARH regularly publish these newsletters to provide information about homeopathy to the public that is not usually available through our mainstream media. ARH makes them available to everyone as free downloads (go, and they can be used for information, marketing and publicity purposes.

Your nearest homeopath?
Go to www.a-r-h.orgclick ‘Find a Homeopath’ and search by town, county or postcode 

Starting College? Off to pastures new?

The summer draws to its close and the deck chairs are finally put away for another year. The month of September heralds the start of something new for many people, since it is attributed to the beginning of the academic year, with nearly everyone in the educational system readjusting to a new situation when they arrive back for the Autumn term. This often involves getting used to a new teacher, finding friends at a new school, deciding on course subjects for future qualifications, or even leaving home for the first time and embarking on University life.

The stress and anxiety is not confined to children and young adults. Many mothers have described themselves as nervous when sending their youngster to nursery school for the first time, with some feeling a constant worry whilst their off-spring are out of sight. We can’t advise you on how best to comfort a crying teenager, phoning you from the other side of the country, or how to just relax and accept that your toddler is really quite happy playing in the sandpit with their newly found friends. We can, however, suggest a few homeopathic remedies which may help to give you some peace of mind, so that everyone can enjoy the pastures new!

ü  Ignatia 30C– homesickness, grief, loss 
ü  Lycopodium 30C– lacking in self-confidence, better when organised by others, but not so good if expected to be independent 
ü  Pulsatilla 30C– clingy, dependent, finds it difficult to go alone, strong fear of abandonment, needs a lot of reassurance and support from family and friends 
ü  Silica 30C– shy and reserved, no self confidence, lacks 'grit'

These remedies are only intended as a guideline, so please consult with your own homeopath for individualised treatment. 

To find a practitioner near you, please visit our website

This article was first published by the ARH in the Septemeber 2010 issue of 'Homeopathy Healthy Medicine'The ARH regularly publish these newsletters to provide information about homeopathy to the public that is not usually available through our mainstream media. ARH makes them available to everyone as free downloads (go, and they can be used for information, marketing and publicity purposes.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

A combination of prescribed and over-the-counter medicines increase mortality rate

Researchers from the University of East Anglia and the University of Kent have collated data from 13,000 pensioners (over-65 year olds) over a twenty year period to try and understand how the side-effects of common drugs affect the patients taking them. 

The study concluded that by taking a variety of common medicines, prescribed to treat routine illnesses, patients are increasing their mortality rate. Simultaneously, the onset of dementia among the pensioners surveyed has been exacerbated by such drugs.

A number of common medicines have been identified as causing the most damage and these include allergy treatments such as some anti-histamines and antidepressants. In isolation, the damage is limited but it is a concern when patients take a combination of these drugs, which can be a frequent occurrence.

Since many of these drugs can be bought over-the-counter, many doctors are uninformed about all the medication which their elderly patients are prescribing themselves and, consequently, do not review the situation. In addition, as many of the drugs identified are not the ‘obvious’ medicines, pharmacists and medical professionals may be unaware of the risks involved.

A spokesman for the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) said, 

“Our priority is to ensure that patients are taking acceptably safe medicines. All medicines have side-effects – no effective medicine is without risk”. 

It is suggested, with this in mind, that pensioners should constantly review their medication (both prescriptive and non-prescriptive). Alternatively, researching into alternative medicines, and Homeopathy in particular,, where effective treatment is possible without the unwanted side-effects may be conducive!

(The Daily Telegraph, 24th June 2011 and Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

This article was first published by the ARH in the Septemeber 2011 issue 16 of 'Homeopathy Healthy Medicine'

The ARH regularly publish these newsletters to provide information about homeopathy to the public that is not usually available through our mainstream media. ARH makes them available to everyone as free downloads (go to
), and they can be used for information, marketing and publicity purposes.

Burns, Barbeques and Homeopathy

The predictions of an ‘Indian Summer’, having almost come true, some optimists have been encouraged to keep the barbecues out on the patio for a bit longer, ready to serve up a sausage or two, should the weather really hold.

It is not uncommon to receive a burn, whilst trying to produce the perfect banger, since barbecues don’t really provide the easiest method of cooking. 

If this happens try applying the homeopathic cream Urtica, Calendula or Hypercal generously to the affected area or, alternatively, use a cream containing a combination of all three of these remedies. 

For more severe burns which start to blister, take Cantharis 30 or Causticum 30 every half hour for up to six doses. 

Don’t forget to rehydrate your body with the fluid which it may have lost and in the case of severe burns seek medical help immediately!

(Homeopathy for Common Ailments by Robin Hayfield 

This article was first published by the ARH in the Septemeber 2011 issue 16 of 'Homeopathy Healthy Medicine'

The ARH regularly publish these newsletters to provide information about homeopathy to the public that is not usually available through our mainstream media. ARH makes them available to everyone as free downloads (go to, and they can be used for information, marketing and publicity purposes.

Broken Bones and Homeopathy

Fractured Bones
At the beginning of the new academic year, it is common to observe the school playground peppered with slings, casts and crutches as children come back to school nursing an array of broken bones or other ailments, acquired during their active summer holiday.

It is essential that any fracture receives immediate medical attention and is properly set but once this has been done homeopathy can help to speed up the healing process. One of the following remedies may help to achieve this:

Calc phos – since calcium and phosphorus are the two main minerals needed for building healthy bones this remedy is particularly useful once the bone has properly knitted and can be given daily until fully healed. It may also be a useful remedy for individuals who have weak or brittle bones prone to fracture.

Symphytum – this was once commonly known as Knitbone and more commonly now as Comfrey. As the old name suggests, it can be beneficial to use this daily for two to three weeks after setting, to help the bone knit back together

In addition, if you happen to be near your homeopathic medicine cabinet at the time of the break, take Arnica for the immediate bruising and shock.

(Homeopathy for Common Ailments by Robin Hayfield)

This article was first published by the ARH in the Septemeber 2011 issue 16 of 'Homeopathy Healthy Medicine'

The ARH regularly publish these newsletters to provide information about homeopathy to the public that is not usually available through our mainstream media. ARH makes them available to everyone as free downloads (go to, and they can be used for information, marketing and publicity purposes.

Patients whose GP understands complementary medicine tend to have lower costs and live longer

A recent study in the Netherlands, investigating the cost-effectiveness of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) when compared to conventional medicine, has concluded that patients whose GP has additional CAM training have 0-30% lower health-care costs and mortality rates than those who did not have the additional training. The percentage was dependent on age groups and the type of CAM involved.

The research was carried out by obtaining data from a Dutch health insurer which included information on healthcare costs, dates of births and deaths, gender and postcodes of patients over a five year period. Data from 1,913 conventional GPs were compared with data from 79 GPs with additional CAM training in acupuncture, homeopathy and anthroposophical medicine.

The conclusions suggested that the lower costs resulted from fewer hospital stays and fewer drugs being prescribed. Researchers believe that possible explanations for this are either because people who are more reluctant to have medical interventions are expected to choose CAM or because the GP’s with CAM training are less likely to over-treat patients and more likely to focus on preventive and curative health promotion.

As health economists have generally ignored CAM as an area of research, despite clinical experiences and empirical research which has suggested its cost-effectiveness, it is hoped that this new study will yield further investigation into this much needed area.

(Department of Economics, Tilburg University, The Netherlands)

This article was first published by the ARH in the Septemeber 2011 issue 16 of 'Homeopathy Healthy Medicine'

The ARH regularly publish these newsletters to provide information about homeopathy to the public that is not usually available through our mainstream media. ARH makes them available to everyone as free downloads (go to, and they can be used for information, marketing and publicity purposes.

Mother Teresa, the poor in India, and Homeopathy

Homeopathy is practiced in India by more trained health professionals than in any other country in the world, and it is estimated that there are currently 300,000 homeopaths and more than 300 homeopathic hospitals in the sub-continent. 

The Indian homeopathy market, often regard- ed amongst the poorer members of society as the primary method of treatment, was expected to outpace the growth of the pharmaceutical industry in the country by the end of 2010 - although these figures have not yet been confirmed. The homeopathic industry, according to reports, is growing at a rate of 25%-30% while the pharmaceutical industry is increasing by 13%-15%.

It is, therefore, of little surprise that Mother Teresa studied homeopathy with Dr Jai Chand, a highly respected Indian homeopath, with the aim of helping the poorer members of society. During her lifetime, her mission opened four charitable dispensaries, the first of which was in 1950. She, personally, would not treat individuals with chronic or potentially fatal illnesses but she assisted those practitioners who did and often prescribed homeopathic medicine for first aid situations.
She believed, according to those who worked alongside her, that homeopathic treatment is indispensable for the poor and distressed people of India” due to its “easy approach, effectiveness and low cost” (Gomes, 1988). Given that 41.6% of the total Indian population falls below the international poverty line and the nation is estimated to inhabit a third of the world’s poor, it would appear to be essential that homeo- pathic medical colleges are given the resources to flourish.

This article was first published by the ARH in the Septemeber 2011 issue 16 of 'Homeopathy Healthy Medicine'

The ARH regularly publish these newsletters to provide information about homeopathy to the public that is not usually available through our mainstream media. ARH makes them available to everyone as free downloads (go to, and they can be used for information, marketing and publicity purposes.

How Homeopathy helps dairy calves overcome diarrhoea

Homeopathy denialists continue to proclaim that homeopathic medicine is “no better than placebo” and believe that any positive effects individuals gain from the remedies are “all in their mind”. 

In order to investigate this notion further researchers have been exploring the relationship between homeopathy and animals, since it is generally regarded that animals cannot ‘fabricate’ the situation; they either get better or they don’t!

A study, undertaken by the Louis Bolk Insituut in the Netherlands, aimed to investigate homeopathy’s effect in newborn dairy calves. A common ailment, amongst dairy calves, is diarrhoea and is one which many Dutch farmers regularly treat using homeopathy, so a study involving this particular disorder was especially relevant.

Calves were divided into two categories: half were prescribed a homeopathic remedy and half pre- scribed placebo. The findings proved overwhelming in favour of homeopathic medicine. On one farm for example, where the investigation took place, not a single calf who received homeopathic treatment developed diarrhoea while every calf given placebo succumbed to it.

It is interesting to note that the researcher’s main hurdle when undertaking the study was persuading farmers to give their livestock the placebo instead of homeopathy “because they know homeopathy works”.

This article was first published by the ARH in the Septemeber 2011 issue 16 of 'Homeopathy Healthy Medicine'

The ARH regularly publish these newsletters to provide information about homeopathy to the public that is not usually available through our mainstream media. ARH makes them available to everyone as free downloads (go to, and they can be used for information, marketing and publicity purposes.

How Homeopathy can help with eye strain

How homeopathy can help with eye strain
The holiday season is well and truly over and everyone has returned to the office - often sitting and staring at computers for hours a day. It is, therefore, not surprising that many people suffer from eye strain as they get adjusted to their old environment once more. 

The use of modern equipment and VDU’s,coupled with the frequent use of Kindles and iPads, have arguably overtaken reading and writing in bad light as the main cause of eye strain.

Eye strain mostly occurs when you over-use your eye muscles by concentrating on visually intense tasks for any length of time. If any muscle is held in one particular position for too long it will cause the muscle to strain and in the case of the eye, the ciliary muscle begins to tighten.

This can cause the eyes to become irritated and uncomfortable some times leading to non-specific symptoms including headaches, fatigue, itchy or a burning sensation around the eyes, blurred vision and, occasionally, double vision.

To prevent eye strain, try avoiding tedious visual tasks and doing close-up work for too long, such as reading a book, needlework or computer activities on a VDU. In addition, it is important to allow the eyes to focus on distant objects at least once an hour. If, however, you continue to suffer from any of the above symptoms, you can try the remedies listed below, which may bring relief. If your symptoms persist, do have your eyes checked by your GP (for general eye health) or an optician (for problems with vision).

Useful Homeopathy Remedies

ß Euphrasia – this may be useful for tired eyes which water and burn. It is suggested to use externally as an eyewash, in diluted tincture form availa- ble from a homeopathic pharmacy

ß Ruta – this may be advantageous for sore eyes with dim vision, which has resulted from too much concentrated, close work

(Homeopathy for Common Ailments by Robin Hayfield &

This article was first published in the Septemeber 2011 issue 16 of 'Homeopathy Healthy Medicine'

These newsletters are published regularly by the ARH, and provide information about homeopathy that is not usually available to the public through our mainstream media. ARH makes them available to everyone as free downloads (go to, and they can be used for information, marketing and publicity purposes.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Queen, Country and Homeopathy

With the Queen’s Golden Jubilee taking place in early June, marking the 60th Anniversary of her ascension to the throne, it seems highly pertinent that Homeopathy, Healthy Medicine investigates the relationship that the Queen and her family have with homeopathy.

It is well known that the Queen is an advocate of homeopathic treatment which is reflected in her patronage of the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital (now re-named the Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine). 

It is interesting to note that the relationship between royalty and homeopathy is a long-standing one. The British Royal family has received homeopathic care from 1830, and since then there has always been a royal homeopathic doctor. Dr Peter Fisher currently holds the post.

It began with Queen Adelaide, wife of King William IV, who first made public her interest in this ‘new medicine’ in 1835. Since then, various kings and queens of Great Britain have openly sought medical care from homeopathic physicians.

King George V often used alternative therapies to treat his seasickness, while his wife, Queen Mary, headed the fundraising efforts to move and expand the London Homeopathic Hospital. It is therefore unsurprising that their son, King George VI, who gained world-wide prominence in the recent biopic ‘The Kings Speech’ , continued their good work. 

George VI formally granted the use of the royal title to the London Homeopathic Hospital in 1947. He was known to be an expert user of homeopathic medicine himself and even named one of his prize racehorses ‘Hypericum,’ after a homeopathic medicine often used to treat injuries. Hypericum went on to win the 1,000 guinea race in 1946!

Due to its wide-spread use within the royal, presidential and aristocratic circles, homeopathy was once regarded as a ‘rich man’s therapy’ . The fact that the homeopathic approach is individualised for each person, may have provided the upper classes with a sense that they were being prescribed medicine exclusive to their individual needs. However, individualisation is one of the foundations upon which homeopathy is built, irrespective of who is being treated! 

It is perhaps more interesting to note that royalty and presidents have always had access to the best available medical treatment of their day and, therefore, the number of monarchs and presidents who have chosen homeopathy instead of conventional medicine must reflect the genuine value which they have found in this system of medicine.

Fortunately, homeopathic consultations now generally cost far less than their conventional counterparts, and there are over two thousand qualified, registered homeopaths in the UK. There is even limited availability of homeopathy on the NHS, so homeopathy is no longer a treatment option exclusive for the rich and famous. It can now be used by everyone!

Horses and Homeopathy

Over the summer months, a number of equestrian events will take place across the country ranging from the Derby, Ascot and Badminton Horse Trials, to several polo matches and, of course, the Olympics, where horses will take part alongside their owners in three-day eventing, a gruelling combination of dressage, show-jumping and cross-country jumping.

Despite having an array of medical procedures at their disposal to treat an under performing, or an injured horse, over the years, owners and trainers have found homeopathy to be an effective and natural system of medicine. Homeopathy is of especial benefit to racehorses because it treats the animal’s symptoms as a totality and stimulates the body’s natural healing process, without having the risk of side effects or withdrawal symptoms.

Many horse owners have observed that homeopathic remedies can help horses with physical, mental, and emotional conditions. Furthermore, because the remedies are usually dispensed as tiny pills or drops, they are extremely easy to administer. There are a number of homeopathic remedies suitable for horses. Some of the most useful ones include:

Arnica helps with wounds, tendon and sprain injuries 
Aconite can help reduce stress following an injury 
Arsenicum can help with colic and indigestion
Thuja helps with skin condi- tions such as warts, rain rot, and swelling following vaccination

For more information about treating horses and other animals using homeopathy, please visit the British Association of Homeopathic Veterinary Surgeons website at:

This article was first published as part of Homeopathy Health Medicine - a free promotional newsletter that all homeopaths can use freely.